Sunday, January 14, 2007

The More Things Change

Sunday morning at Mars Hill, rocking with the David Crowder Band. I was thinking of all the similarities to the church of my childhood:

1957: Elvis wears a white belt.
2007: Rob Bell wears a white belt.

1957: Neighbor named Jack Daniels has a goat.
2007: David Crowder has a Jack Daniels goatee.

1957: All the boys are wearing Keds.
2007: All the boys in the band are wearing Keds.

1957: One square dude on the platform.
2007: One dude of a square platform.

1957: Singing ". . . like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee" and thinking, "What's a fetter???"
2007: Singing ". . . like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee" and thinking, "What's a fetter???"

1957: Standing room only for all services.
2007: Standing in the room for all of the service.

1957: Greatest desire: to be right.
2007: Greatest desire: to be N.T. Wright.

1957: Don't forget the offering.
2007: Don't forget the "joy boxes."

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